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Answers to frequently asked questions about services provided by True Face Tarot

What can clients expect during a tarot reading with TFT?

Details can vary depending on the type of reading purchased, but typically one primary inquiry, and up to three sub-questions or potentialities will be addressed, with clarification as time allows, for the client's highest good. With tarot and oracle as intuitively guided, we will look at recent energies and external influences, and get guidance from your higher self, as well as potential outlooks. Music, poetry, and inspired readings or quotes may be included when I feel called. Sometimes, no matter how much we want to know something specific, Spirit answers with a redirection; please come open to any and all messages that come through.

*Bookings for recorded readings are not an "appointment," as these readings are not live; unless booking a live reading, the date/time you book is simply a placeholder and reference point for the seven-day turnaround. Within seven business days of the scheduled booking, clients will receive an email with the link and password for the Zoom recording.


How much should a client share before a reading?

A holistic tarot reading is an intimate conversation with Spirit. It can touch on our most vulnerable, private places, and it’s understandable that a client may be reluctant to share. That being said, a conversation isn’t a conversation when it’s only one direction. Spirit will come in with a message regardless, but sometimes asking for a deeper, more nuanced response requires a deeper, more nuanced offering. It may help both me and Spirit key in on what you actually want and need to know. Ultimately, it’s up to the client to share what they feel called and comfortable to share, as they feel called to share it.


Can client's request specific decks for their readings?

While I strive to be as inclusive and sensitive as possible, decks are chosen intuitively, in concert with Spirit, to tell a client's story in the most authentic way possible; for this reason, I don't accept deck requests. However, Spirit knows our heart, and I typically find that the decks I choose resonate thematically or aesthetically quite well with my clients. 


Can I book a tarot reading anonymously, and how?

Yes! Often in my readings, unconscious material may surface, leaving a client feeling extra tender, or topics may arise that touch on feelings of shame. If a client suspects that this might be the case, they are welcome to book their reading under the protection of anonymity. You may use a pseudonym of your choosing, but be mindful of other information you provide, including your email address, which may trace back to you. I do request that if you book repeat readings with me, that you use the same pseudonym (and do not share it with others), as to allow us to cultivate a more familiar, professional relationship over time where I might draw on previous readings, and to provide you with the opportunity to receive bonuses and benefits offered only to repeat clients.


How do you relate to soulmates in your readings?

While I definitely read on soulmates, I don’t tend to categorize them - twin flame, karmic, kindred, plutonic - I leave that up to the client. As I read, I tend to relate to soulmates in terms of existing within a dynamic spectrum ranging from catalyst to kinship.


Do you clear/cleanse energy between readings?

Always! I have a vigorous practice, and always clear energies between readings as well as throughout the day. All readings begin with a grounding meditation, the spoken intention that only spirits of love and light are welcome, and a prayer of petition that only helpful, healing messages for the client's highest and best good will be channeled. As an initiate to the rites of Munay Ki, a Reiki master, and a student of plant spirit alchemy, I utilize energies from each, as well as psychic and mediumship practices, and an arsenal of traditional spiritual tools.


How do you handle customer complaints and refund requests?

In order to book a reading with TFT, clients must acknowledge they've first read, understand, and agree to the refund/cancellation policy and all disclaimers. I'm a stickler for abiding by these policies first and foremost. If a client does have an experience with one of my readings (or other services) that they feel does not meet the standards I've outlined on my website, I do hope they will reach out to me directly, so that we may find a resolution.


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